By Renee Jamerson
Recently there was a lot of talk in the news about the benefits of allowing your baby to "self-soothe" as they call it. A recent study showed that babies who were allowed to cry awhile were under no more stress than a baby who wasn't. The point of the study was to prove that self-soothing is okay for the baby and is a great way to build self-reliance. It was however proven amongst a group of Moms that continuous crying actually stressed the mom more than the baby (well duh).
I have to say I fall into that category. I like these Moms experience anxiety at the sound of my babies cry. A lot of people believe that responding to a baby's every beckoning makes the child spoiled. I happen to believe that it maks them feel secure. I want my children to know that despite whatever they may go through "Mommy is here" and we'll get through it together.
I believe that children can learn self-reliance at a later date when it is more comprehensible. For example, Kindergarten. And while this may cause some pre-school teachers to cringe. Most children go through separation anxiety when they start school anyway and then learn self-reliance. So in the end why put so much pressure on a tiny person who can't verbalize what they want, need or feel? They depend on us for their every need and even comfort. So I think I speak for a lot of Moms when I say self-soothe, smelf-smoothe (tttthhhhpppptt)!
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